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[W8S]⇒ PDF Chaser 9781509806331 Books

Chaser 9781509806331 Books

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Chaser 9781509806331 Books

Sweet, slow burn romance.
I really did not know what to expect from Eric’s book. In the two earlier books, he was a self centered, womanizing schmuck. But I was very pleasantly surprised by how much he tried to grow up and change himself for the better.
Meeting Jean, he was all “lust at first sight”. Making him rethink his promise to his brother and his friends and go back on his self imposed celibacy. But he mans up, and forces himself to just be a good friend to her. Help her out when she needs it, care for her newborn daughter (who he helped deliver, very sweet).
Being platonic friends with a woman is a whole new experience for Eric. But in a strange way, eliminating sex, and focusing on other aspects of life, like actual, meaningful conversation opens up a whole new world. Becoming friends, he realizes can have benefits far beyond the physical things he’s used to getting from women.
I really liked Jean. She was a strong woman. Knew what she wanted and stuck to her guns to get it. For being a young, first time mom she was really great with her new baby.
This book was different in that it was told entirely from Eric’s point of view. I missed hearing what Jean was thinking. Given everything she’s going through her POV would have been great. Dual POVs would have made it, at least for me, a more complete story.
I loved the small glimpse of the Stage Dive crew makes, Mal is such a kick!
All in all, a sweet, slow burn, friends to lovers, drama free romance. A complete standalone, no cheating, no drama, and a very happy ending.
I hope there is more to come from this series.

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Chaser 9781509806331 Books Reviews

I think love makes sense when you find the right one to share your heart with. Before the right one, you experiment. You test the waters, make mistakes, think it's love, decide it couldn't feel like this and decide it's just not worth it. Well, it’s different when you’re really in love. You BOTH do anything to make it work and it's never too hard. You’re pushing and pulling to make and get it right. In my love life, sometimes he pushes me out of my comfort zone (which I HATE), and other times I’ll pull from him and take too much. But, in the end, I’ll pull his cord and he’ll push my buttons (OMG, I’m such a dirty bird) but it still comes back to the fact he lights my world and I turn him on...or so he tells me.

Eric hadn’t met the right woman for him until she walked into his bar. Well, she was right looking (besides the baby in her belly), she was the right personality (besides the baby in her belly) and the right attitude (besides the baby in her belly). Eric found the right woman…who was a wee bit occupied with the baby in her belly.

I’ve got to say, Kylie Scott gets blokes. Chaser was completely seen through Eric’s eyes. Sometimes, it can be hard having to gauge feelings and emotions from a hero. Eric, well, we know that he’s dealing with a lot of emotions but he’s completely manipulating things in his mind to lessen the blows.

This is how I see Eric and how he feels...

Guilt – "Well, I guess I shouldn't be trusted ever again"
Sorrow – "I don’t deserve pity for my loss because it’s my fault"
Affection – "I’m told I’m not a good bet in a relationship, so I should only offer friendship"

Eric keeps barriers up because he doesn’t trust himself to be everything that Jean and Ada need.

Then, he just accepts that he wants Jean and Ada. Fullstop...the end...this is how it's going to be.

Yep, Kylie Scott really gets blokes.

Obviously, Eric takes a wee while to come to that conclusion. While he gets there, we are treated to a fabulous story about a recovering manwhore who meets and falls for a young woman who’s pregnant and later becomes a mother to a beautiful baby girl.

I loved seeing the fun and games of having a newborn from the outside looking in. I could completely sympathise with the sleepless nights, worry about their health and wellbeing and stress over getting it right. There is no way in hell I’d go back and have more of those little hellions who scream blue murder if you DARE to have a shower. I do miss snuggles, cheeky, drooly grins and the beauty of looking down at your baby as they sleep peacefully in your arms. It was fun looking in but I’m happy to only observe.

I really enjoyed Chaser. It was funny, sweet and very believable. There is NO WAY a new mother wants to hook-up or start a relationship straight after childbirth. It takes time and a level of trust must be earned before things can move forward. Eric never rushes Jean and I loved him more for it. Chaser was paced extremely well. The heat doesn’t come until later in the book but it was perfect timing.

If you’re a Kylie Scott fan, you are going to love Chaser. She gets it right on so many fronts. I highly recommend.
Eric has been a source of disappointment to his family and friends for years. He has been called everything from manwhore to playboy to irresponsible jerk, and for the most part he has done quite a bit to deserve those titles. Eric loves life and enjoys the heck out of being able to do what he wants when he wants. He also enjoys the heck out of the ladies, but he always makes sure he is upfront with them regarding his complete lack of expectations or interest in commitment. When things got a little more complicated than he was ready for with Nell last year, reality came crashing down and forced him to rethink a few things in his life but he is still the same fun-loving carefree Eric most of the time- which is something Nell never lets him forget no matter what he does.

When a pretty new face walks into the Dive Bar and catches the attention of every male there including Eric, he is mentally preparing his approach. Then you can practically hear the screeching brakes sound effect when she stands up to greet Nell like she has known her forever (danger sign #1) and he sees a significant baby bump (danger sign #2). Babies and Eric are not a combination he wants to even think about, and he goes from smooth operator to bumbling idiot in 2.2 seconds.

Jean finds herself on the opposite side of the country chased away from her home and family and soon to be a single mom thanks to a guy a lot like Eric, so she is in no rush to put herself in close proximity to him by any stretch of the imagination. Yet he shows glimpses of being a great guy between the moments of being a complete jerk so she doesn't write him off completely. Nell's warning to stay away from Jean serves only to wave a red flag in front of a bull when it comes to Eric, but Jean is a shock to him too. He never expected to find himself wanting to spend time with a woman who is 7 months pregnant; usually his interactions with females are of the one night or no strings attached variety only. The more time he spends with her, the more he finds himself actually enjoying a platonic relationship with a woman which is a first for him. That's not to say there isn't plenty of attraction to go around between them though.

Dismayed by the fact his own brother cannot deny that Eric is not viewed favorably by pretty much anyone in their family or group of friends, he decides to take a break from his usual lifestyle and embrace celibacy for awhile to see what happens. He makes a conscious effort to be more responsible and act like an adult, and you can see him starting to mature over time. Of course for every step forward there is at least 2 steps back that make you shake your head and roll your eyes, but he is trying! At the age of 30, he is still a lost little boy in a lot of ways who doesn't know what he wants from life. Ada's birth is an eye opening experience for him though, and the good guy with a big heart that hides beneath the jerk-ish exterior starts to shine through. Of course Nell is a thorn in his side who quite frankly really got my blood pressure up, constantly chirping at anyone who would listen to be sure they know what an irresponsible manwhore she really thinks Eric is. Fortunately Jean is strong enough to make up her own mind without being unduly influenced by her friend, and I really enjoyed their journey from friends to lovers. An appearance by the beloved Stage Dive crew was a highlight for me, especially when my favorite BBF ever Mal made things interesting! All in all, Chaser was well worth the wait so go get your 1-click on and get ready to roll your eyes, laugh and swoon for Eric and Jean!
Sweet, slow burn romance.
I really did not know what to expect from Eric’s book. In the two earlier books, he was a self centered, womanizing schmuck. But I was very pleasantly surprised by how much he tried to grow up and change himself for the better.
Meeting Jean, he was all “lust at first sight”. Making him rethink his promise to his brother and his friends and go back on his self imposed celibacy. But he mans up, and forces himself to just be a good friend to her. Help her out when she needs it, care for her newborn daughter (who he helped deliver, very sweet).
Being platonic friends with a woman is a whole new experience for Eric. But in a strange way, eliminating sex, and focusing on other aspects of life, like actual, meaningful conversation opens up a whole new world. Becoming friends, he realizes can have benefits far beyond the physical things he’s used to getting from women.
I really liked Jean. She was a strong woman. Knew what she wanted and stuck to her guns to get it. For being a young, first time mom she was really great with her new baby.
This book was different in that it was told entirely from Eric’s point of view. I missed hearing what Jean was thinking. Given everything she’s going through her POV would have been great. Dual POVs would have made it, at least for me, a more complete story.
I loved the small glimpse of the Stage Dive crew makes, Mal is such a kick!
All in all, a sweet, slow burn, friends to lovers, drama free romance. A complete standalone, no cheating, no drama, and a very happy ending.
I hope there is more to come from this series.
Ebook PDF Chaser 9781509806331 Books

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